
This Is How We Do

This will likely be the most-linked story here on this blog: the explanation to the madness that is our review system.

There is no limit to how long or short our reviews are. The deeper the title, the more explanation needed - it doesn't mean that all of the long reviews will be favorable ones. It could take a while to mention all the ways it sucks.

I already mentioned the
First Post (third paragraph). So without further ado, this is what we grade on:

Graphics/Video/Packaging: Graphics obviously refers to the gaming side. However - music, television, and movies do not have "graphics." Instead, Video will score how well a movie or television show is filmed, whether the shots make sense, etc. For music, Packaging will take a look at the book included with the disc (if available) as well as disc/cover art.

Sound: Luckily, this works for all forms of media - although much more important for music. For games and movies, it will score the soundtrack and sound effects (mostly how realistic they sound, or original if it is a wacky topic). For music, it will represent whether the performing artist(s) understand musical theories and show it through their music. It will also analyze the lyrics.

Value: Is it worth how much money you paid for it? What are the extras? How long is the game? How lengthy are the music tracks?

Enjoyability: I personally couldn't believe this was a word: To have a pleasurable or satisfactory time. So, did we have a good time playing/watching/listening, or did it remind us that this was work? Will it be something we enjoy after the review is done, or will it find be piled up with (mostly) everything else?

Some of these topics will be given an out of 10 score, some won't - depends on whether we feel we need to give a number to our thoughts. After all this stuff, you can expect an Overall Score.

And then you will buy it if it sounds like you will like it. Okay? Okay.



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