
Tomb Raider Bad Girl Playable in New Game

Release has an entire bio... mostly background crap... so let's skip to the good part.

"Then one day in Peru, while excavating a tomb Lara believed contained the last queen of Tiwanaku, her team of graduate students breeched a new room and all hell broke loose. Lara was the only one to return to the surface, where the team's structural engineer, Anaya Imanu, listened in horror to Lara's story of how a malevolent entity of some kind slaughtered everyone in the tomb, except for Lara and Amanda. But as the two tried to escape, Amanda set off a trap that sealed the room, brought down the roof, and drowned Amanda.

"Bonus tidbit for fans.....(Easter Egg reveal) When you complete the game you'll be able to play through the game using the Amanda model!"

Oh boy! Now I can play two rail-thin, inflated women.



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